by Ted Jones, PhD, CPE
Many pain patients say this to me and probably more would like to say it. They have real, objective, undeniable damage to their body – perhaps spinal problems, arthritis, multiple past back surgeries with rods and screws, or all of the above. so seeing a psychologist makes no sense to them at first glance. What’s the mind got to do with a truly damaged body? I mean, “mind over matter” only goes so far, right?
Well, actually, the mind goes very far in treating chronic pain – especially chronic pain. It helps to understand that with pain the amount of pain you feel is not the same thing as how much body damage you have. It seems like it does, but it doesn’t. the sensation of pain involves tissue damage, peripheral pain pathways, spinal pathways and several central (brain) processes. One can have a lot or a little damage to the body and have a lot or a little pain sensation. there are several “volume control knobs” that affect how much pain one feels.
You’ve likely heard of the example of someone who has a bad injury but still goes over and helps put someone else first, sometimes not even realizing that he or she is injured until after the crisis is over. When Ronald Reagan was shot he did not realize it or feel pain until about 15-20 minuets after he was shot. He had significant tissue damage but no feeling of pain until after the immediate crisis was over.
The feeling of pain involves several aspects of the nervous system, including the brain. Pain psychologists help pain patients use these various parts of the nervous system to decrease and manage their pain. So no matter what kind of bodily damage you are bringing to the pain clinic, a pain psychologist can help you reduce your pain. In future blogs we’ll discuss the various “volume control knows” people have and how someone with pain can use them to his or her advantage.
So if you are ever referred to a pain psychologist, instead of saying “why should I see a psychologist?” you might consider saying “thanks for giving me all the help you can!”